Confortable To-Do List + Multiple timers
Fun Tasking is an easy, friendly, organized and perspective To-Do list. It aims for focusing on actions based on the concept of GTD (Get Things Done).

It is suitable especially for who are annoying to keep their task management tools with a lot of complicated rules. It is simple and easy, but fine organized and effective for your every activities like business, study, housework, hobby, etc.

To-Do List with Broader Perspective
Fine-Organized Arrangement of Lists
Confortable, Continuable and Confidentable

usase. For example, finishid tasks disappear after 24 hours later automatically. You can easily see both To-Do and To-be-Done tasks together to recognize your progress. Chart view displays the summary of your completions. These comfortable functionnalitis will help you to avoid discouraged to keep track of all your tasks. The more you continue to use this app, the more you will be clear-minded and confident about your productivity!